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The Importance of Handwriting in the Digital Age
When children are only equipped with paper and pencil, there will be times when they must stop and think before they continue to write. If they don’t simply reach for a phone, this time of reflection will eventually lead to deep thought, and THIS is the place where we learn and think the best!

How to Encourage Your Child’s Creativity and Unleash the Creative Genius
The act of creating is one of the most beneficial activities a child can partake in. When children use their imagination to inspire a well-constructed piece of writing, they not only become better writers, but they also practice critical thinking, problem-solving, and organization all while inspiring confidence in their abilities.

How to Motivate Your Child to Read - Reading Rewards Programs Work
Would you, could you … use incentives for reading? Studies have proven there is a direct correlation between the amount of time that students spend reading and their reading growth. The more a student reads, the better they become at reading.

If Your 3rd Grader is Struggling With Reading, Watch Out for the “Decline at Nine”
The age of nine is the most critical time for kids to be reading proficiently as it’s a clear predictor of future academic success. Through modelling and choice, we can help our kids see that reading is fun which is the greatest gift we can give them!