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How To Make Reading Fun for Kids? Read Aloud to Your Pet
After seeing yet another article on the reading crisis, I came across a winning formula in my research on how to make reading fun for kids. It’s dogs, kids and books! This idea is very simple, but the effect, both on reading levels and behaviour is really quite astonishing.

How to Start a Book Club for Kids
If you're struggling to get your child to read, starting a book club for kids is a fun way to get them excited about reading! When kids are in a book club together with friends, they can all have a blast, while reaping the benefits of reading!

How to Detox Your Child From Electronics? Visit Your Local Library
To reading enthusiasts, the library is a magical place packed to the brim with possibilities of new reads, new information, and new things to learn. To a child, the same things that make the library incredible to us can be overwhelming for them. How do we combat this and turn the library into a fun place for our children?