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How To Make Reading Fun for Kids? Read Aloud to Your Pet
After seeing yet another article on the reading crisis, I came across a winning formula in my research on how to make reading fun for kids. It’s dogs, kids and books! This idea is very simple, but the effect, both on reading levels and behaviour is really quite astonishing.

How to Start a Book Club for Kids
If you're struggling to get your child to read, starting a book club for kids is a fun way to get them excited about reading! When kids are in a book club together with friends, they can all have a blast, while reaping the benefits of reading!

Reading Versus Listening – Can Audiobooks Really Help to Build Readers?
Audiobooks are a great way to engage reluctant readers and help them to discover how fun and entertaining books can be. They can help struggling learners overcome the hurdle of decoding so that they can focus on comprehension and engage with the text in a meaningful way. While audiobooks are a wonderful way to support struggling readers, they are not a replacement for physical books.

The Importance of Handwriting in the Digital Age
When children are only equipped with paper and pencil, there will be times when they must stop and think before they continue to write. If they don’t simply reach for a phone, this time of reflection will eventually lead to deep thought, and THIS is the place where we learn and think the best!

How to Detox Your Child From Electronics? Visit Your Local Library
To reading enthusiasts, the library is a magical place packed to the brim with possibilities of new reads, new information, and new things to learn. To a child, the same things that make the library incredible to us can be overwhelming for them. How do we combat this and turn the library into a fun place for our children?

From Funny Faces to Formal Writing – How Emojis Changed the Way We Communicate
Although emojis and acronyms have little to no place in formal writing, they do have an interesting and useful place in communication. Not only do these truncated forms of communication save time, they also force the reader to interpret and translate images into thoughts and feelings.

Reading Rewires Your Brain: Why Raising A Reader is So Important
The habit of reading, especially if started at an early age, helps in brain development and enhances imagination. As you learn to read, even late in life as an adult, you brain actually changes and rewires. Building this habit is truly giving your child a gift for their lifetime.

How to Encourage Your Child’s Creativity and Unleash the Creative Genius
The act of creating is one of the most beneficial activities a child can partake in. When children use their imagination to inspire a well-constructed piece of writing, they not only become better writers, but they also practice critical thinking, problem-solving, and organization all while inspiring confidence in their abilities.

How to Motivate Your Child to Read - Reading Rewards Programs Work
Would you, could you … use incentives for reading? Studies have proven there is a direct correlation between the amount of time that students spend reading and their reading growth. The more a student reads, the better they become at reading.

How To Improve My Child’s Vocabulary: Fun Tips to Use Every Day
“First thing’s first, if you’ve just learned your child’s vocabulary is not up to standard, you’re not alone. It’s estimated that at least 40% of students are lacking the vocabulary that is necessary to access their learning.” - Lauren, English Writing Specialist and English Teacher

If Your 3rd Grader is Struggling With Reading, Watch Out for the “Decline at Nine”
The age of nine is the most critical time for kids to be reading proficiently as it’s a clear predictor of future academic success. Through modelling and choice, we can help our kids see that reading is fun which is the greatest gift we can give them!

How to Support Your Child's Learning - Post-COVID
The COVID-19 pandemic has been tough on everyone especially parents. We have been challenged like never before especially when it comes to remote learning. This has also been a tough time on the mental health of children. This article provides tips to get through this difficult time and to come out stronger as a family.