Free Printables for The Lemonade War

By Lily | Published 5 June 2023 | This post may contain affiliate links.

Graphic banner to promote free printables for The Lemonade War

Free Activity Booklet for The Lemonade War

The Lemonade War is a story about siblings Evan and Jessie who compete in a lemonade-selling contest during summer break. Along the way, they learn important lessons about entrepreneurship, family, and friendship.

To help kids dive deeper into the book, Reading Quests offers a FREE activity booklet filled with fun printables. These include comprehension questions, vocabulary exercises, and writing prompts. Perfect for parents looking to make their child’s reading experience more interactive and engaging!

Image of a free printable for a book study of The Lemonade War, created by Reading Quests

Three Ways to Build Critical Thinking Skills

  1. Building Vocabulary

A bigger vocabulary helps kids share their thoughts and ideas better. But to learn a new word, they need to see it 4 to 12 times. Reading Quests provides activity sheets to help with repetition, recall, and memorization.

Our family’s favorite word from The Lemonade War was “chintzy”! “Besides, I wasn’t gonna be chintzy. They’re paying a whole half a buck for it.”

What was your family’s favorite new word from the book?

Image of eight flashcards for The Lemonade War created by Reading Quests
Reading bookmark for The Lemonade War, Free Printable
Image of a Fill in the Blanks printable for The Lemonade War, from Reading Quests

2. Improve Reading Comprehension: 

Reading comprehension helps kids understand and enjoy books. When they enjoy reading, they’re more likely to keep reading, which helps them grow and succeed. That’s why Reading Quests has comprehension printables for every book, like The Lemonade War.

Image of a free printable of a Pop Quiz for The Lemonade War, by Reading Quests
Image of a free printable called Word Match Up for The Lemonade War from Reading Quests
Image of a free printable for The Lemonade War, created by Reading Quests

3. Add Creative Reading Responses: 

Creative reading activities make reading more fun and meaningful for kids. They encourage self-expression, creativity, and thinking about the story. Reading Quests offers several activities for The Lemonade War to help your kids get started.

Free Crossword Puzzle for The Lemonade War, created by Reading Quests
Book Review Printable for The Lemonade War, created by Reading Quests
Image of a Free Writing Printable for The Lemonade War, created by Reading Quests

Continue the reading fun with book-themed activities from The Lemonade War!
Great for the whole family!

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More reading fun for The Lemonade War!

Image of the cover for the book study for The Lemonade War, by Reading Quests